
Exampro offers thousands of past GCSE and A-level questions, their related mark schemes and examiner comments, all mapped to the current specifications. You decide which questions you need to create a lesson, topic test, class discussion, homework task or revision exercise, and Exampro allows you to make it in minutes! We demystify the Board Exam experience by offering high-yield exam-relevant content, optimum test-taking skills, a Case List you can feel good about, and superior exam technique. ORAL BOARDS WELCOME TO THE OB/GYN ORAL BOARDS!

You are at the last stage of testing before you become a board certified OB/GYN. ExamPro will give you exactly what you need to pass the OB/GYN Oral Boards. Updated for 2018/1 Exampro ’s Mark Entry and Reporting Technology (MERiT) allows you to upload students’ marks from mock exams, giving you unprecedented opportunities to track your students’ progress against the population.

ExamPro is designed to work in your mobile web browser, so you get the same amazing experience as if you were using a desktop without compromising functionality.