Instituto del Progreso Latino is nonprofit organization located in Chicago, IL. Our services include career pathways, workforce development, adult education, youth development and education, and citizenship services. Lo que el país necesita es un instituto nacional de estadística que sea independiente.
What our country needs is a national statistics institute that is independent. A model developed in the Media Lab can predict cognitive declines in patients at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, up to two years out. The system may help speed the search for drug treatments, by zeroing in on the right patients to enroll in clinical trials.
El presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ha amenazado a Europa con que si el bloque de miembros no puede repatriar a los terroristas europeos de Daesh capturados en Siria e Irak, puede liberar a los terroristas para que regresen al lugar de donde vinieron. It is the largest organization in the world dedicated to the teaching of the Spanish language and increasing knowledge of Spanish and Latin-American culture. At present, Instituto Cervantes has centres in different countries.
Caltech graduate student Manuel Razo Mejia wants to predict how evolution occurs in organisms ranging from microbes to humans. Until recently, evolution has been considered a random process, but Razo Mejia believes we might detect certain patterns by applying the principles of physics and mathematics. Read More