La reflexión metódica que refleja la articulación del conocimiento y los límites de la existencia y de los modos de ser se denomina filosofía. El término, de origen griego, se compone de dos vocablos: philos (“amor”) y sophia (“pensamiento, sabiduría, conocimiento”). La filosofía es una ciencia que, de forma cuidadosa y detallada, busca dar respuesta a una variedad de interrogantes. El origen histórico de la definición de filosofía señala, que ésta surge en el siglo VI a. SpanishDict is devoted to improving our site based on user feedback and introducing new and innovative features that will continue to help people learn and love the Spanish language.
Western philosophy is the philosophical tradition of the Western world and dates to Pre-Socratic thinkers who were active in Ancient Greece in the 6th century BCE such as Thales (c. 6– 5BCE) and Pythagoras (c. 5– 4BCE) who practiced a love of wisdom (philosophia) and were also termed physiologoi (students of physis, or nature).
Adobe Fonts is the easiest way. A palavra filosofia (do grego) é uma composição de duas palavras: philos (φίλος) e sophia (σοφία). Definition of filosofia in the Definitions. What does filosofia mean?
Information and translations of filosofia in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Read More