Upon entering the Abbey, Johann took the first name Gregor as a symbol. The focus of genetics research then shifted to understanding what really happens in the transmission of hereditary traits from parents to children. Gregor Mendel is most well known for his work with his pea plants in the. Su vida, experimentos y plantas de guisantes.
Si estás viendo este mensaje, significa que estamos teniendo problemas para cargar materiales externos en nuestro sitio. Gregor Johann Mendel was a scientist, Augustinian friar and abbot of St. Mendel was born in a German-speaking family in the Silesian part of the Austrian Empire and gained posthumous recognition as the founder of the modern science of genetics.
Os seus estudos o levaram a ser conhecido como o “pai da genética”. Ele foi batizado com o nome de Johann Mendel , mudando o nome para Gregor após ingressar para a ordem religiosa dos agostinianos. Identified recessive and dominant traits which pass from parents to offspring. Establishe momentously, that traits pass from parents to their offspring in a mathematically predictable way. Prior to Mendel, most people believed inheritance was due to a blending of parental ‘essences’, much like how mixing blue and yellow paint will produce a green color.
Hybrids: The blending of two things to make a new one is called a hybrid. Read More