Institution: Digital Anatomist Project, Dept. Biological Structure, University of Washington, Seattle. Atlas was formerly available on CD-ROM (JAVA program running on Mac and PC platform). Content: 3-D views of thoracic organs reconstructed from mm cryosections of a cadaver specimen provided by Wolfgang Rauschning. Anatomy Atlases is a digital library of human anatomy information.
Related Digital Libraries Radiology. Pediatric Imaging – a pediatric radiology textbook and digital library. An anatomy atlas is essential for every learner of human anatomy. You’ll find helpful overview diagrams which show you several related. Buenas tardes srta Johana farias,podria porfabor si aun tiene este libro en pdf enviarmelo a mi correo porfabor.
Até mesmo os curiosos que estão prestando vestibular para Medicina podem dar uma espiadinha. NETTER Atlas of Human Anatomy 7th edition PDF The only anatomy atlas illustrated by physicians, Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7th edition, brings you world-renowne exquisitely clear views of the human body with a clinical perspective. Impresionante programa de anatomia con todos los sitemas, detalles de cada organo, musculo, etc. Modo examen para practicar antes de rendir. No link abaixo vocês poderão acessar um dos melhores atlas digitais gratuitos da web.
Atlas de Anatomia interactivo Descarga MEGA Camy. Nele vocês poderão conhecer com detalhes a anatomia do sistema nervoso,muscular, circulatório, digestório, urinário, respiratório, dentre outros. Para acessar o atlas – clique. Click on a system to learn about and then follow the links to find the anatomical structure(s) that you want to learn about. Un detallado atlas 3D del cuerpo humano.
Soporte de idiomas para: francés, alemán, italiano, japonés, español y chino simplificado. This atlas of anatomy, and all other atlases and books depicting human anatomy, provide illustrations that are representations of the human body. It must be remembered that no two bodies are anatomically identical.

Colega, consegui baixar pelo 4Shared! Pena que não tem o mas ao menos já ajuda! Las aplicaciones de Visible Body potencian la forma en que los estudiantes aprenden y los profesionales de la salud practican. Anatomia (do latim anatomia , -ae, do grego anatome, -es, dissecção) é o ramo da biologia no qual se estudam a estrutura e organização dos seres vivos. The Focus Digital Atlas on Heart is a tool to enhance knowledge and comprehension on – – Location of heart in Thorax – Pericardium – Heart – External surfaces – Heart – Chambers – Valves of the heart – Coronary circulation – Venous drainage – Conducting system of the heart This App is: – The most comprehensive Atlas with an exhaustive array of plates!
Una vez que cortamos la columna vertebral procedemos a cortar los musculos y piel que nos queda para separla. Limpiamos bien la parte de la nuca, sacando el atlas por completo para poder ver el foramen occipital. Por este introducimos la tijera con cuidado para no cortar el cerebelo. Por fortuna ya pasó el tiempo en que para aprender anatomía había que manipular un maniquí de plástico o diseccionar una rana en el laboratorio de ciencias. In addition to our equipment rental division, Atlas provides office space and post-production services spanning over 30square feet of.
Highly detailed 3D models permit to examine the shape of each structure of the human body with great depth. The Digital Anatomist Project is motivated by the belief that anatomy is the basis of all the biomedical sciences (including clinical medicine). Manifestations of health and disease can be regarded as attributes of anatomical structures ranging in size from molecules to body parts.
The Digital Atlas is designed for finding geographic locations in Montana and exploring geographic databases, aerial photos, and topographic maps of those locations. It replaces the functionality of the State Library’s old Digital Atlas and Topofinder applications. The Atlas of Colposcopy : Principles and Practice has been developed keeping in mind the evolving concepts and the changing scenarios. The atlas deals with the basics and then guides the learner through the intricacies of detecting the changes, differentiating neoplastic from the non-neoplastic conditions and documenting the findings.

Since the students started using the eHuman Tooth Atlas , the tooth morphology identification test scores have significantly improved. I feel the use of the program has given the students an accurate method of viewing the morphology of a tooth and has resulted in these improved scores. Atlas anatómico con información completa sobre el cuerpo humano.
Imágenes detalladas de los músculos y la estructura ósea del cuerpo en una visión anterior y posterior.