A UFMG oferece cursos de pós-graduação em todas as áreas do conhecimento. Neste portal, é possível consultar os dados básicos sobre eles. Todas as informações são atualizadas automaticamente a partir do Sistema Acadêmico da Pós-graduação.
Curso de Gestão Estratégica – UFMG , Belo Horizonte – MG. Página oficial da Especialização em Gestão Estratégica. It offers undergraduate degrees, including a Medicine degree, Law and Economics , plus Engineering and Science and Art degrees. The Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG is renowned for its graduate studies and research in Brazil.
UFMG offers two kinds of graduate programs, classified as stricto sensu and lato sensu. Stricto sensu programs are master’s and doctoral programs, and they aim at training highly qualified professionals to teach, research and contribute to scientific and technological development. Ricardo Rodrigues Barbosa of Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte UFMG. MBA Executivo em Gestão Empresarial MBA Executivo In Management A indicação , significa que o curso possui uma grade modular flexível , na qual o aluno poderá escolher alguns módulos de disciplina que melhor se encaixem à sua necessidade pessoal e profissional.
ROGER MAIA é Mestre em Educação pela UEMG, Especialista em Sistemas de Informação pela UFMG , MBA em Gestão Empresarial pela FACED e graduado em Ciências pela FUOM, especialista em. Find Jobs Recruits Portal. Prior to joining Baruch College, she was the director of the Women’s Business Center in the Bronx for three years and in Brooklyn for five years.
Balabram is also a writer, business coach, and author of “Ask Others, Trust Yourself: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Key to Success. She holds an MBA in Entrepreneurship Management. Master of Business Administration ( MBA ), Finance, General. Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix. Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Law.
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Rogerio is an economist from the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil ( UFMG ) and holds a MBA in finance from IBMEC School in Brazil. HULT PRIZE FLAGSHIP COMPETITION $Million Seed Funding Award. Each year, the Hult Prize team issues a big bold challenge aligned with a large market opportunity inspiring students from over 1countries to solve it’s greatest problem. A exigência do mercado de trabalho tem demandado profissionais com alta qualificação aumentando gradativamente o número de programas e cursos de pós-graduação no Brasil, ultrapassando mil cursos lato sensu – especializações e MBA – disponíveis nas mais diversas áreas de acordo com o MEC.
The state-subsidized private institution brought together the four institutions of higher learning that existed in Belo Horizonte. The Graduate Program in Knowledge Organization and Management (PPG-GOC) prioritizes advanced studies on information and its phenomena in the context of Information Science. She has published and presented papers at Academy of Management, EurOma, IEEE and other academic journals and conferences.
All tol UFMG’s five faculties offer undergraduate programs, master of science programs, medical internship programs, and PhD programs to nearly 50students. A full list of undergraduate and graduate degree programs can be found under the university’s international relations page, along with admission requirements and the definitive Foreign Student Guide. Higher Education (Ensino Superior) in Brazil is compulsory for those who wish to pursue higher education. In addition, students must pass a competitive entrance examination (vestibular) for their specific course of study.
Higher education in Brazil, as in many nations, can be divided into both undergraduate and postgraduate sections. MBA students interested in the Consultant role, please. Structure of Corporate Governance. Graduated in civil engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG, she holds an MBA in Business Management of Electric Energy and Natural Gas from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
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He currently holds the position of Superintendent of Distribution Business Development at CEMIG. Kadu’s career spans technology firms such as Microsoft, HP and Ericsson in Latin America, Asia and the United States. Co-founder at Confrapar, Kadu is a pioneer of the Brazilian PE Industry, and led the sale of QuickLessons to German group Bertelsmann.